Words to live by

Proust #35 What is your motto?

What is your motto? You, not me, what is your motto? Do you have words that you live by? Is there some saying that you repeat to yourself and to others to inspire you, or them, to live a certain way? I have one friend who’s motto is borrowed from LG (the company). She signs off nearly all her Facebook posts with LG – Life’s Good. It’s a good motto – reminding yourself that life is indeed good, that there are moments in every day that encourage us and help us keep a positive and grateful attitude.

Lot’s of people, and probably more than a few charitable organizations, have borrowed Gandhi’s quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” as their motto. It’s a good one too, reminding us that if we want to see change, we should be part of the process.

How about Nike’s “Just do it”? Or maybe Theodore Roosevelt’s “Believe you can and you’re halfway there”?

There are scads of mottos out there for the taking. But do I have a motto? Which words do I use over and over to encourage and inspire myself and others to be better, to do better?

“Don’t let fear stop you.”

Not exactly in the same class as Gandhi, but it works for me.

I find as I’m getting older (geez, I hate saying that!), that I am less afraid to try. Less afraid of people seeing me fail. Less afraid of  looking like I don’t know what I’m doing. Less afraid of people not liking me. Less afraid of their judgement. Just…less afraid, and that is unbelievably liberating!

I kind of feel like I spent the first 40 years of my life fearful of all those things I just mentioned. That giving in to that fear and insecurity meant I wasn’t really accomplishing much. But truth be told, I probably needed those years, and the lessons I learned during them, to get me to this point, the place where I am less afraid. The place where I am stepping out (boldly?) to put my thoughts into the world where I hope they will do some good.

Some people seem to be born with confidence and I am not one of them. They live their lives boldly and with gusto (I like that word, gusto). My sister has always seemed that way to me. Unafraid, confident, bold. I admire that in her. Truthfully, I envy that in her. Envy, not very productive, but when I turn it to inspiration, it’s sure is. When I’m with her, I am a little less the wallflower, a little more adventurous, a little more excited to try new things, a little more the me I want to be.

I am infinitely grateful for the people in my life, my family and friends, who have encouraged me and supported me; who have helped me find my voice.

This is the last of the Proust posts. Thanks for reading; I mean that. Your support has been overwhelming! 35 questions in 35 days! Wow!

Alex says I should end with this thought…”Don’t worry, this isn’t the last you’ll hear from me.” That’s meant to sound promising not ominous (lol). I’m happy to take suggestions too, so if there’s something you’d like me to write about, let me know! Thanks again everyone, keep looking for more from This Little Light!

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4 Replies to “Words to live by”

  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed your 35 questions in 35 days – Thought provoking AND inspiring. Can’t wait to see what is to come now that you are allowed to freestyle!

    1. Thanks Judy! I’m grateful for your support! I’ll do my best to keep it up 🙂

  2. I have enjoyed getting to know my cousin’s daughter a bit better. The depth and the content of your writing is not only amazing but also thought provoking . As you are probably aware of that we feel very close to your parents and that is not only because we are related but that we are friends with depth. Now through writing you have allowed us to get a glimpse of the person you are. I could babble on but will wind up by saying “Don’t give up on your God given talent (gift) and keep sharing”.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I will keep sharing as long as the words are given to me to write 🙂

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