Lean into the light


Robert Macfarlane – word of the day – phototropism – in plants and other organisms, the tendency to bend or grow in response to sunlight; in an animal or human, yearning for the sun, turning to the light.

Sunshine makes me happy

This summer I had a big pot of tiny bright orange marigolds on my front doorstep. They were really quite lovely and as the plants matured over the summer, they filled up the entire pot and every time I looked at them, I smiled. They were just so cheerful!

One day as I passed by them, I noticed they were all leaning away from the house – stretching almost – and, briefly, I wondered why. Then I realized that although they were in direct sunlight all day long, they were leaning out even further toward the light.

I turned the pot. Couldn’t have crooked plants now, could I? Over the course of the day, they slowly turned themselves, stretching their little orange faces back toward the sun.

The little marigolds are long since gone and the only thing on my front step now is snow. Since the summer solstice in June, the days have been shortening, daylight hours decreasing. Today the sun rose at 8:15am and will set at 5:14pm, giving us just 9 hours of light. By the time the winter solstice comes in December, the sun will rise at 9:29am and set at 4:29pm for a whopping 7 hours of daylight. We notice the changes in light here in the north. It can affect us dramatically, for some even causing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression.

There’s something to be said for the influence of inner light on our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Lack of light

It’s quite a few years ago that I found myself in a place that wasn’t doing my mental health any favours. The environment I was working in was frustrating and one of the people I was spending time with had a really poor attitude about things. Her negativity was contagious and I found myself complaining to my husband more and more. It got to the point where I had to change jobs and completely remove myself from situation in order to bring some light back into my life.

National Geographic photographer Sarah Polger says, “Know the light in your environment and adjust your position in relation to it.”

A lighthouse shines its light, guiding those in need.

I know she’s not really talking about metaphorical light, but the she could be. Look around at the people and activities in your life. Are they bringing you joy and happiness? Contentment and fulfillment? Or are they draining your energy and making you depressed?

Spending time in the light

Can you identify people in your sphere of influence that you want to spend time with just because they make you feel good? Does being with them light up your life with positive energy?

We all need encouragement and brightening up from time to time. Spend time with positive people who can build you up and help you recharge. Soak up those little things that make a big difference – a genuine compliment, a few kind words, a cup of tea, or a bouquet of flowers can shine a little light in the darkness.  Don’t forget to send your own light out into the world.

When you’re feeling like the darkness and shadows are creeping too close for comfort, seek out one of the ‘lights’ in your life and re-position yourself a little closer. Bask in the glow. Be like my marigolds and lean into the light. I promise you’ll feel better.

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8 Replies to “Lean into the light”

  1. What a beautiful post Cathy – I love the analogy of us all leaning towards the sun and I use it often. Thanks for this bit of sunshine on a gloomy cold November day!
    My Best Friend Adeline

    1. Thanks Joan 🙂 You’re so kind! I appreciate you taking the time to read!!

  2. Joan Richards says: Reply

    As always you pull out the truth and make me as well as others feel so much better. You are light in its truest form. Love you

    1. Thank you my dear friend! Love to you as well!

  3. It brings a lump into my chest when I read the comments from your readers Cathy. I’m so proud of you and your talent.

    1. Thanks brother! That’s how I feel when I look at your photos – how you capture so much beauty!

  4. Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.

    1. Thank you so kindly for reading Fidelia! It’s a pleasure to have you visit This little light 🙂 and may I say – what a beautiful name you have!!

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