The tale of my magic shoes

Vintage brown suede Cougar brand shoes.

There is one story that pretty much sums up my childhood relationship with my sister.

It is a sad and tragic tale about my most favourite shoes ever.

Practically magic

I don’t remember how they came into my possession; they were probably hand-me-down shoes from my cousins, but they were the most ah-mazing shoes! Practically magic shoes. Those shoes were without a doubt the most comfortable pair of shoes I ever had. Ever.

Seriously. ..ever.

Made of the softest caramel coloured suede with a soft rubber sole they were like a caress for my tender young feet.

I loved them. You probably figured that out already though.

The Dark Side

On one beautiful, warm prairie summer afternoon my mother pushed me out the door (without my book *gasp*!), to play with my sister. It was that day that I learned my sister had a dark side. You see my baby sister had hatched a plot so evil, so wicked, it was appalling.

We were laying on the grass, peering over the edge of the enormous hole dug in the ground that was to be the basement of our new house. It was really, really deep…like ten feet at least. We were feeling pretty brave being that close to the edge – at least I was, my little sister was fearless. The neighbours had come and helped Dad pour the concrete and it was still wet, shimmering in the summer sun.

She leapt up, grabbed my ankle, and ripped off one of my beautiful magical shoes.

What happened next was shocking, but I’m going to tell you anyway.

She flung my shoe into the bottom of the new basement where it landed with a wet plop before slowly sinking out of sight! And then she threw her head back and laughed the most evil, maniacal laugh a little girl could laugh.

And then…she ran.

It is a testament to my gentle, patient, and understanding nature that I didn’t heave her headfirst into the hole after my shoe.

And that was the end of my magic shoes because everyone knows magical shoes only work in pairs; so my now plain and ordinary single shoe went to The Dump.

Memory is a funny thing

In truth…the shoes were getting so snug on my feet they pinched my toes. And I probably did think about pitching her in, but instead I ran to the house to tattle to our mother. And I grudgingly admit that the vaguest possibility exists this clearly traumatic event may not have happened exactly this way, but I was there and you weren’t. It’s how I remember it, that’s what’s really important here.

Actually, what’s really important is that today is my baby sister’s birthday and I want you to know some things about her.

It took us all of our growing up years to learn to understand each other because like most siblings we fought like cats and dogs. As kids, we were so different!

I was tidy. She was not.

I loved to read alone in a quiet corner. She loved to be outside.

I loved to cook and to bake. She loved to drive the tractor or the combine or the grain truck.

I was prim and proper. She was wild and carefree.

Sisters and friends

But somewhere along the way, and I can’t tell you exactly when, my baby sister became my dearest friend. She is my strongest ally and my staunchest defender. She is one of the very few that I trust to tell me the truth when I need to hear it. She inspires me to be bolder and to let go of my inhibitions – to be silly and fun and less conservative.

If you are lucky enough to call her your friend too, you know that she is one of the kindest and most compassionate souls around. She is the first to offer to help, to organize, to fundraise, or to promote a cause. She is passionate and dedicated and unfailingly loyal. If her friends are hurting, she is the first one at their side.

Vibrant, fun, beautiful. She is simply unforgettable.

I’m so incredibly proud to be her sister.

She may have sacrificed my magical shoes as an offering to our new house, but her very presence has always brought a spark of magic to our family.

I know not everyone has the kind of family I have. I wish they did. But maybe you have someone in your life like my sister; someone who cheers you on with wild abandon, who takes you by the hand and fills the day with make-believe, adventure, and excitement. I hope you do! They are a gazillion times better than magic shoes!

Happy birthday Sister! I hope your day is filled with joy and laughter!

With love always and forever…

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4 Replies to “The tale of my magic shoes”

  1. What a precious gift a sister must be! And one so spirited …an extra special bonus!

  2. Weldon Wilson says: Reply

    Hi Cathy. This is your cousin Janice. I love your story and understand the love and acceptance that we have for our siblings. Great to hear your story!

    1. Janice!! I’m so very happy to hear from you! Thanks for reading – you know it’s entirely possible that those shoes came from you or Corinne. I hope all is well with you!

  3. […] The sky is a brilliant blue and the snow is blindingly white. I look miserable because I was. My adorable baby sister had just socked me in the face with a mitt full of […]

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